Above All

Before you begin, you must remember the most important thing of all... That is the bible's teaching that God alone owns all revelations of truth, and He only gives them as gifts to those who seek for truth with a humble heart.

The best way I know to prepare your heart to seek God's truth is by approaching Him first in prayer! Here is a prayer I invite you to pray before you study through the pages of this site. If you will pray these words now, I believe that the Living God will help you to perceive His truth as you search for Him...


A Seeker's Prayer...

"God, I don't really know if you are there or not,

but I am looking for real truth and meaning for my life.

In the bible, you say...

'You will seek me and find me -

when you seek for me with all your heart.'

I am seeking you with my heart and with my mind.

Help me to find you and help me to discover real truth."